Immigrants hoping to legally enter or remain in the United States have to follow certain procedures. They have to apply for visas, request asylum or adjust their status to secure a green card. The rules for immigration proceedings are relatively complex.
It can be difficult for people to understand what the United States government expects from them. Particularly in scenarios where there may be controversy related to an immigrant’s request, language barriers can easily complicate an immigration situation.
Immigrants often require support from someone who speaks their language. Partnering with a bilingual immigration attorney can be a smart choice for those hoping to protect their status or offer immigration opportunities to loved ones.
How language barriers hurt immigrants
English is a very difficult language to learn. Even those who have lived in the United States for years may feel uncomfortable communicating in English. They may then fail to assert themselves or learn about their rights.
Some immigrants delay talking to an attorney or filing paperwork necessary to protect their immigration status because of language barriers. Others may fail to properly explain their circumstances to the attorney assisting them. It can be hard to trust the accuracy of information or make full disclosures when there is a translator between the immigrant and their lawyer.
Technically, immigrants do have rights in court. There should be translation services available to help them in cases where there is a language barrier. Simply having that support in court isn’t enough. Most immigrants have felt the impact of a language barrier before they make it to court.
Having an attorney who can effectively communicate can make a major difference in an immigration case. People may feel more comfortable expressing themselves. They may find it easier to understand their options.
Effective communication makes it easier for immigrants to achieve their goals. They can enjoy the comfort of communicating in their own language during meetings, phone calls and other necessary communications with their lawyers. The ability to directly communicate can foster trust and a positive working relationship.
Finding and working with a bilingual immigration attorney may help those trying to protect their status or extend immigration opportunities to their loved ones.