The U.S. Constitution grants Congress the power to create and manage federal immigration legislation, whereas each state reserves the right to enact and administer its policies regarding immigrants' rights for access to public services or education, as well as other...
Aggressive. Determined. Hardworking.
Separating K-1 visa myths from facts
Also known as a fiancé visa, the purpose of a K-1 visa is to provide a way for someone engaged to a citizen of the United States to gain entrance into the country. The myths surrounding this type of visa in Arizona have led to real consequences, including countless...
ICE arrests and deportations experience a significant drop
Arrests and deportations by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) plummeted sharply in fiscal 2021 in Arizona and across the United States as immigration officials began following Biden administration directives to focus on detaining immigrants with serious...
What deportation statistics say about U.S. immigration policies
ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations is one of the biggest investigative agency that the U.S. Department of Homeland Security has. The group works in a variety of ways to remove illegal immigrants from Arizona and other parts of the country. What does ICE do? ICE...
As part of our continued strive of excellence and to provide quality services to our client’s, this story proves that we accomplished that goal again!
The story begins with a father, who almost lost his son and ended up with our firm accomplishing the unheard of, which was reuniting that father with his son. Our team of dedicated attorneys and support staff at our Tucson, AZ law office, Goldstein & Scopellite,...
President Trump Calling for Fair and Just Immigration Reform
In 2007, the Pew Hispanic Center noted a record number of undocumented immigrants in the country, with 12 million living in the United States. Though the number fell to 11.1 million two years later, it has largely remained steady, with 11.2 million undocumented...
Immigrant avoided removal, despite conviction of a serious crime
If an immigrant, meaning the person has legal permanent residence in the United States, has been convicted of certain serious crimes, it may seem inevitable that that individual will be placed in removal proceeding before the immigration court and eventually deported...