The story begins with a father, who almost lost his son and ended up with our firm accomplishing the unheard of, which was reuniting that father with his son. Our team of dedicated attorneys and support staff at our Tucson, AZ law office, Goldstein & Scopellite,...
Aggressive. Determined. Hardworking.
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Defense of Marriage Act and Same-Sex Married Couples and Immigration Implications – The Windsor Supreme Court Decision
In February of 2011, Obama proclaimed the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), which still remains valid law, to be unconstitutional. DOMA, enacted in 1996, defines marriage as that between “a man and a woman” and it bars the federal government from recognizing same-sex...
Immigrant avoided removal, despite conviction of a serious crime
If an immigrant, meaning the person has legal permanent residence in the United States, has been convicted of certain serious crimes, it may seem inevitable that that individual will be placed in removal proceeding before the immigration court and eventually deported...