Aggressive. Determined. Hardworking.

As part of our continued strive of excellence and to provide quality services to our client’s, this story proves that we accomplished that goal again!

On Behalf of | Jun 27, 2018 | Blog, News

The story begins with a father, who almost lost his son and ended up with our firm accomplishing the unheard of, which was reuniting that father with his son.

Our team of dedicated attorneys and support staff at our Tucson, AZ law office, Goldstein & Scopellite, P.C.*, worked together to accomplish this goal.

Should you require legal representation in any matter, our firm will be there to work with you, while ensuring that you receive the same level of satisfaction and quality legal services, while making sure that your rights and the rights of your family, are protected. Contact us at or at

**Note**: *The law firm in Tucson, AZ has since changed names to Ayala Law Office, P.C. as Sheldon Goldstein and Michelle Scopellite have filed to retire their licenses and have retired from practicing law in Arizona.

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